Dr. Szentkereszty Balázs
gasztroenterológus, belgyógyász

Dr. Balázs Szentkereszty Gastroenterologist, internist

Telephone (all day)06 1 / 315-0531 and 06 70 / 340-8777Telephone: Thursday afternoon

Speciality: gastroenterology internal medicine Examinations: internal medicine; 2000 Gastroenterology; 2006 University: Albert Szent-Györgyi University of Medicine, 1995

Languages spoken: English

I am Dr. Balázs Szentkereszty, I graduated from the Szent-Györgyi Albert Medical University in Szeged in 1995.
After graduation, I was appointed to the Pándy Kálmán Hospital III.
I started to work at the Department of Internal Medicine of the III. Department of Internal Medicine of the Békékely Kálmán Chamber of Deputies in Békely Kálmán.
After that, I worked at the Central Defence Hospital of the Hungarian Defence Forces II.
I was transferred to the Department of Internal Medicine of the Central Military Hospital of the Hungarian Army of Defence Forces.
In 2006 I passed the specialist examination in gastroenterology.
Currently, I am working as a deputy head of the Department of Internal Medicine I at the Hungarian Defence Forces Medical Centre.

Since 2012 I have been working at ProctoMed Centre, where I am responsible for the diagnostic and therapeutic care of patients with digestive diseases.
It is a great honour to be part of a highly professional team that focuses on providing fast, efficient, painless and person-centred care to patients.
My professional interests focus primarily on the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and psychosomatic illnesses.
We have had very good results, in collaboration with a psychologist, in reducing symptoms and achieving symptom relief.
In this group of diseases, it is particularly important not only to achieve symptom and complaint relief, but also to maintain it on a long-term basis.
In addition, I consider the prevention of malignant esophageal tumours, which can be detected by upper and lower esophageal endoscopy, to be very important in my work.
Chronic stress and anxiety indirectly increase the risk of malignancies, which is why it is important to screen the intestinal tract – these tests can be carried out in a patient-oriented way at the ProctoMed Center.


Appointment booking

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1126 Budapest,
Királyhágó u. 2. fszt.1.


1126 Budapest,
Királyhágó u. 2. fszt.1.


1024 Budapest,
Margit krt. 5/B. 1. emelet 1.

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