Fructose malabsorption

In fructose malabsorption, fructose, or fructose is not absorbed properly from the small intestine.
As a result, some of the fructose ingested is passed on to the large intestine, where bacteria living there begin to break it down.
This consumption by the intestinal bacteria results in the production of gases and metabolic by-products that stretch the intestinal wall and irritate the intestinal mucosa.
These result in the various abdominal complaints characteristic of fructose malabsorption.
As with food intolerances, fructose malabsorption can also underlie chronic rectal ulcers that do not respond to medication.
If the possibility of a fructose malabsorption disorder is raised, a fructose load-breath test is recommended for an accurate diagnosis.
The test is painless and involves inhaling a fructose solution into a special device that measures the hydrogen content of the exhaled air.


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Királyhágó u. 2. fszt.1.


1126 Budapest,
Királyhágó u. 2. fszt.1.


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