Skin oncology examination

The aim of the skin oncology examination is

It aims to detect and diagnose cancerous lesions of the moles and skin.
Dermatologist-oncologists at the ProctoMed Center with decades of professional experience perform dermatological oncological examinations using a digital dermatoscope.

How is a dermatological examination carried out?

During the dermatological examination, a full body map (high-resolution photo of each part of the body) is taken.
All lesions – mainly moles, skin tumours, but also other lesions – are then examined and imaged using a digital dermatoscope.
The aim is not just to make a diagnosis, as any modern tool cannot replace the expertise of a doctor in making a diagnosis.
It is also intended to allow comparison, assessment of changes and, at any time, the viewing of the lesion without it, during subsequent follow-up examinations.
If a biopsy, diagnostic biopsy and histopathological examination of the skin lesion is required, this will also be carried out. For more information on moles, skin tumours and melanoma, click here.

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1126 Budapest,
Királyhágó u. 2. fszt.1.


1126 Budapest,
Királyhágó u. 2. fszt.1.


1024 Budapest,
Margit krt. 5/B. 1. emelet 1.

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