Information leaflet for the hydrogen (H2) breath test

Information leaflet for the hydrogen (H2) breath test

The hydrogen exhalation test requires preparation.
In order to ensure that the results obtained during the measurement can be properly evaluated, please follow the instructions below.
About the purpose and operation of the H2 Exhalation Test can be found here.

The test should not be performed in case of fever, or in case of a viral illness!

When making an appointment for the examination, please tell your doctor about any illness you have had within the previous 2 weeks, any intermittent or regular medication you have taken. In the case of medicines containing lactose, your doctor will decide whether to suspend the test and will take into account the lactose content of the medicine you are taking when assessing the results. Antibiotic use will affect the result of the test, so wait at least 15 days after antibiotic treatment before coming for an H2 test.

Do not take the test before:

  • within two weeks: antibiotics, probiotics
  • within a week: digestive medicine, antacid
  • in two days: laxatives!

The day before the test, from the morning:

  • avoid eating bloating vegetables, fruits (e.g. pears), pulses (neither cooked nor raw)
  • do not eat seeds
  • do not drink fizzy drinks or alcoholic beverages
  • do not smoke!

What you can eat:

  • cooked, natural fried or steamed: potatoes, rice, ham, poultry, fish, eggs, pasta
  • minimum amounts of dairy products (e.g. yoghurt, kefir) and foods containing lactose
  • only cold cuts, sausages, margarine (only a little)
  • products made from white flour: white bread, buns, rolls (only a few)
  • drink only tap water (until 21h), running tap water (from 21h)!

Don’t eat anything after 7pm. The day before the test, before going to bed, brush your teeth and tongue especially thoroughly with a new toothbrush.

On the day of the test:

The test is done on an empty stomach and takes approximately 3 hours.

Before the test:

  • do not use toothpaste or mouthwash
  • ladies should not use lip gloss, lipstick
  • men should not use aftershave around the lips
  • do not eat sweets, chewing gum
  • do not take your morning medication (bring it with you)
  • do not drink coffee or tea
  • do not smoke!

Before the test, it is important to brush your teeth thoroughly in the morning without toothpaste(brushing water should not be swallowed).
The first brushing in the morning should be with an original toothbrush only.
Brush your teeth without toothpaste first when you wake up and then again before you go to the examination.
(1/2 dl of running water is allowed)


Appointment booking

Book an appointment by phone or choose a convenient time for a callback by filling in our contact form.


1126 Budapest,
Királyhágó u. 2. fszt.1.


1126 Budapest,
Királyhágó u. 2. fszt.1.


1024 Budapest,
Margit krt. 5/B. 1. emelet 1.

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