Laser fistula surgery
Briefly about the rectal fistula
A rectal abscess or fistula, called an abnormal duct, is caused by inflammation of the glands around the rectum.
This causes pus to form and spread to the tissues near the rectum.
This leads to an unpleasant discharge of pus.
In some cases, the duct may become inflamed, which can cause severe pain.
If the pus builds up, it can cause an acute condition called an abscess, which needs to be opened and treated immediately. Read more about anus abscess.
Laser fistula surgery
For high rectal fistulas, one of the most modern techniques available today is laser fistula surgery.
This is done using a single-use laser wand, the FiLaC Fistula Probe.
During the procedure, the fistula’s internal rectal and external skin openings are first cut with an electric needle.
Then a special laser fibre is inserted into the several centimetres of fistula passage between the two, passing through the layers of sphincter muscle, and its circular energy is used to virtually ‘weld’ the wall of the fistula passage, thus completely blocking it.
The inner mouth is then closed in two layers.
The huge advantage of laser fistula surgery is that it is quick, does not involve extended surgery, and there is no long healing process.
You can resume your normal lifestyle in 2-3 days after the procedure.