
A fistulotomy, or fistula splitting, is a simple procedure, but it is only for patients who have a so-called fistula that runs close to the skin.
low fistula.
This means that there is little or no muscle fibre running between the fistula passage and the skin.
In fact, without risk of incontinence, no more than the lower third of the internal sphincter should be cut.
During the procedure, the surgeon splits the skin (and muscle) above the fistula, cleans out the base and leaves the area as an open groove, allowing the wound to heal from the bottom up.


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Királyhágó u. 2. fszt.1.


1126 Budapest,
Királyhágó u. 2. fszt.1.


1024 Budapest,
Margit krt. 5/B. 1. emelet 1.

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